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2 posts tagged with "wpf"

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WPF ItemsControl and Operation is not valid while ItemsSource is in use…

Greg Roberts

Greg Roberts

Greg Roberts

See anything wrong with the following XAML:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding GridColumns}" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0">
<Button Margin="0,14" Height="22" >
<TextBlock TextAlignment="Center" Text="{Binding Name}"></TextBlock>
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Clicked">
<n:ExecuteCommandAction Command="{Binding HighlightColumn}" Parameter="{Binding Index}" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" >

The Secrets of Creating a Animated Splash Screen In WPF

Greg Roberts

Greg Roberts

Greg Roberts

I come to this post a little relieved, but still frustrated enough that I felt like I needed to share my problem and solution. In short, frustration + google/bing fail + eventual win = blog post.

Setup: I’ve been working on a WPF app, which just so happens to be my first “real” WPF app (I usually do web development), and I wanted to simply embed the version number on our splash image. For those of you not familiar, in WPF having a splash image appear while your app is being loaded is as simple as right clicking on an image and setting it’s build action to “SplashScreen”. At least I believe it’s been that easy since WPF 3.5 SP1 release.